A Critical Examination of the Belief in a Life After Death by C. J. Ducasse

A Critical Examination of the Belief in a Life After Death

C. J. Ducasse

Publisher: Charles C Thomas

Published: 1961

Pages: 318

Availability: Out of Print


PART 1: Immortality, Religion and Science

Chapter 1: Belief and Disbelief in a Life After Death

Chapter 2: Religion and the Belief in a Life After Death

Chapter 3: The Case Against the Possibility of a Life After Death

PART 2: The Key Concepts

Chapter 4: What is "Material"; and What is "Living"?

Chapter 5: What is "Mental"?

Chapter 6: What is "A Mind"?

PART 3: The Relation Between Mind and Body

Chapter 7: What Would Establish the Possibility of Survival?

Chapter 8: Mind Conceived as Bodily Processes; Matter Conceived as Sets of Ideas

Chapter 9: Two Versions of Psycho-physical Parallelism

Chapter 10: Mind as "The Halo Over the Saint"

Chapter 11: Hypophenomenalism: The Life of Organism as Product of Mind

Chapter 12: Mind and Body as Acting Each on the Other

Chapter 13: Lamont's Attack on Mind-Body Dualism

PART 4: Discarnate Life After Death and the Ostensibly Relevant Empirical Evidence for it

Chapter 14: Various Sense of the Question Regarding Survival After Death

Chapter 15: Survival and Paranormal Occurrences

Chapter 16: Paranormal Occurrences, Science and Scientists

Chapter 17: Instances of Occurrences Prima Facie Indicative of Survival

Chapter 18: Additional Occurrences Relevant to the Question of Survival

Chapter 19: How Stands the Case for the Reality of Survival

PART 5: Discarnate Life After Death and the Ostensibly Relevant Empirical Evidence for it

Chapter 20: The Doctrine of Reincarnation in the History of Thought

Chapter 21: Difficulties in the Reincarnation Hypothesis

Chapter 22: Incompetent Kinds of Evidence for and Against Reincarnation

Chapter 23: Verifications of Ostensible Memories of Earlier Lives

Chapter 24: Regressions to the Past Through Hypnosis

Chapter 25: The Case of "The Search for Bridey Murphy"

Chapter 26: How Stands the Case for the Reality of Survival as Reincarnation?



Some parts The International Survivalist Society 2004
