Images of Eva C producing Ecoplasm under Schrenk-Notzing's Experiments
Some of the more important images include:
Fig 118: Author's flashlight photograph of 27
November, 1912.
Fig 119: Side View (enlarged) of Fig. 118.
Taken within the cabinet.
Fig 120 and 121: Author's flashlight photograph of 30
November, 1912. Fig 121 (inset): Side view of Fig. 120.
Fig 122: Author's flashlight photograph of 30
November, 1912. Enlargement of Fig. 120.
Fig 136: Mme. Bisson's flashlight photograph
of 19 January, 1913.
Fig 138: Mme. Bisson's flashlight photograph
of 23 February, 1913. First photograph of an entire phantom, together with
nude medium. (retouched).
Fig 140: Mme. Bisson's flashlight photograph,
simultaneous with Fig. 138. Whole phantom, with nude medium. (Retouched).
Fig 184: Top left: See Fig. 183.
Bottom left: Author's attempt to imitate Fig. 183 by exposing the title
page of "Miroir" against Eva C.
Top and bottom right: Imitation experiments with title of "Miroir" and
portrait of President Poincare, by Dr. Hauberrisser. Photographic
conditions the same as at the sittings.
Fig 189: Left: Phantom photographed in the
sitting of 13 February, 1913. (Fig. 140). Right: Portrait of the king of
Bulgaria from "Miroir" with white mantle to resemble phantom. Below:
King's Head enlarged.
Fig 193: President Poincare's portrait cut
from "Miroir" and photographed by author with Eva, under photographic
conditions, as at the sittings.
Fig 195: Top: President Poincare, as published
by "Miroir".
Bottom left: Manipulated tie and shirt-front from the phantom (Fig. 194)
published by "Matin" 26 December, 1913.
Bottom right: Collar and tie from above portrait, published by "Matin" of
26 December, 1913.
Fig 197: Right corner: President Wilson's
portrait from "Miroir" No. 34, 1912.
Left: The same artistically treated to resemble Fig. 196.
Fig 198: Mme. Bisson's photograph of 7
January, 19.
Related articles:
The Rumination
Hypothesis by Baron von Schrenck Notzing
Expert Opinion on the
Fraudulent use of Certain Materials in Producing Teleplasmic Images by
Baron von Schrenck Notzing
Front Page Illustrations from
the Journal Le Miroir by Baron von Schrenck Notzing
Images from Glen Hamilton's
Intention and Survival
Chapter 4: Unorganised and
Imitative Teleplasms. Includes these images:
Plate 2: The unorganised, compacted teleplasm of February 3, 1929.
Plate 3 and Plate 3a: Two different views of the imitatively manipulated
teleplasm of March 10, 1929.
Plate 4: Two views of the unorganised, compacted teleplasm of March 24,
Plate 4a: Inset showing residual mass after elapsed time of two minutes.
Plate 5: The hand simulacrum of January 5, 1930.
Plate 6: The emerging hand simulacrum of April 27, 1932. Dawn, Mercedes,
Ewan (head on table) all deeply entranced. W. B. Cooper at M.'s left.
Plate 6a: Fully formed hand simulacrum of April 27, 1932, after an
elapsed time of 9 minutes.
Plate 6b: Side view showing interwoven fibres and firm compaction.
Plate 7: The black and white mass of April 7, 1929.
Chapter 5: Purposive and
Utilitarian Teleplasms. Includes these images:
Plate 8: The "strut" teleplasm of May 12, 1932.
Plate 9: The twisted mass and bell cords of August 5, 1928.
Plate 10: The mass and bell cords of September 23, 1928.
Plate 11a and 11b: The 'direct' voice mechanism of Jul 10, 1929.
Chapter 6: The Group of
Miniature Spurgeon Faces. Includes these images:
Plate 12: Face miniature in the likeness of C. H. Spurgeon. Photographed
November 4, 1928. Dawn, W. B. Cooper. Elizabeth M., T. G. Hamilton.
Plate 12a: Enlargement of Spurgeon miniature face of November 4, 1928.
Plate 13: The second Spurgeon miniature face, December 23, 1928.
Plate 13a: Enlargement of the second Spurgeon miniature face, December
23, 1928.
Plate 14: The second face-bearing teleplasm of December 23, 1928.
Plate 15: The third Spurgeon miniature face of January 20, 1929.
Plate 15a: Enlargement of face of January 20, 1929.
Plate 16: The fourth Spurgeon miniature face of May 1, 1929.
Plate 16a: Residue of face-mass of May1, 1929, after elapsed time of 2
Plate 17: The Spurgeon miniature faces and photographs of C. H.
Plate 17a: The deep-trance automatic script of April 26, 1931.
Chapter 7: The W.E.G. and
Raymond Teleplasms. Includes these images:
Plate 18: The miniature "W.E.G." face of September 22, 1929.
Plate 18a: Enlargement of the "W.E.G." face of September 22, 1929.
Plate 18b: William Ewart Gladstone, Prime Minister of Britain under
Queen Victoria.
Plate 19: The mass of October 20, 1929.
Plate 20: The face-bearing teleplasm of October 27, 1929.
Plate 20a: Enlargement of face-bearing teleplasm of October 27, 1929.
Plate 21: Composite - Raymond in life for comparison with plasmic face
of October 27, 1929.
Plate 22: Enlargement of lower face miniature of Plate 20a for
comparison with photograph of "J.B.".
Chapter 8: The "Doyle" Face
Miniatures. Includes these images:
Plate 23: Mass of March 6, 1932. Claimed to be Walter's eyes.
Plate 23a: Walter Stinson in life. For comparison with eyes in Plate 23.
Plate 24: The imitative teleplasm of April 3, 1932 (1st exposure).
Plate 25: Face-bearing teleplasm of May 1, 1932, said to be in the
likeness of Arthur Conan Doyle.
Plate 27: Sections of Plates 25 and 26, comparing the Doyle miniature
faces with a portrait of Arthur Conan Doyle.
Chapter 9: Teleplasms Distant
From the Medium. Includes these images:
Plate 28a: Two views of the 'umbrella' teleplasm of February 25, 1934.
Plate 28b: Two views of the mass of February 25, 1934, after an elapsed
time of four minutes. Dawn, Mercedes, Norman all deeply entranced.
Plate 29: The face-bearing teleplasm of December 20, 1933.
Plate 30: The manipulated teleplasm of June 10, 1931.
Chapter 10: The "Lucy"
Teleplasm. Includes these images:
Plate 31: Elizabeth M. and Dawn in trance. Exposure made at 9.26 p.m. on
March 10, 1930, 42 minutes prior to the appearance of the "Lucy"
Plate 32a: The "Lucy" teleplasm of March 10, 1930.
Plate 32b: Enlargement of the "Lucy" teleplasm of March 10, 1930.
Chapter 11: Teleplams related
to the "John" and "Katie King" Trance Personalities. Includes
these images:
Plate 33a: The teleplasmic mass in the form of a "ship", June 4, 1930.
Plate 33b: Enlargement of "ship" teleplasm of June 4, 1930.
Plate 34: The mass of July 29, 1930.
Plate 35a: The "Katie King" miniature face of November 12, 1930.
Plate 35b: The "Katie King" miniature of face of November 12, 1930.
Plate 35c: The "Katie King" miniature face of November 12, 1930.
Chapter 13: The Mediumship of
Elizabeth M. Includes these images:
Plate 36a: Elizabeth M. catatonic rigidity, 1927.
Plate 36b: Elizabeth M. catatonic rigidity lessening, 1927.
Plate 36c: Elizabeth M. passing from catatonic to complete relaxation.
Plate 36d: E. M. in deep trance. Her hand writing automatically.
Plate 37a: Examples of writing by the entranced Elizabeth M.
Plate 37b: Example of the normal Elizabeth writing.
Investigation of a New Force (includes image of Home holding an
Images from
Nandor Fodor's These Mysterious
Chapter 2: Competing with the Cheshire Cat: Story of Madame Elizabeth
A seven feet high Golden Lily which Yolande mysteriously produced from
the air at a séance with Madame d'Esperance, who stands beside it.
Chapter 4: A Martian Revelation:
Story of Mlle. Helene Smith
Martian landscape drawn by Mlle. Helene Smith.
Chapter 6: Strange Beasts from the
Beyond: Story of Franek Kluski
The phantom apeman of Kluski photographed.
Phantom bird photographed by Flashlight on Kluski's shoulder.
Chapter 12: The Mouthpiece of one
of the Three Wise Men: Story of David Duguid
A direct drawing in the dark in a séance of David Duguid. Note the
similarity with the picture on the right.
Moses consecrating Eleazer as Aaron's successor. A picture in Cassell's
Family Bible.
Chapter 15: The Medium of Kings
and Kings of Mediums: Story of D. D. Home
The first flashlight photograph of human levitation: Amadee Zuccarni in
the air.
Chapter 21: Possessed of Power
over the Soul of Things: Story of Stanislawa Tomczyk
Mlle. Tomczyk and Dr. Ochorowitz, lecturer in psychology at the
University of Lemberg. With Invisible rigid rays emanating from her
fingers Mlle. Tomczyk lifts a pair of scissors.
Chapter 23: Finger-Printing the
Spirits of the Dead: Story of Mrs. Margery Crandon
Super-physical suction cylinder, invisible and impalpable, photographed
by fused quartz lens with Margery Crandon.