Book: "Quantum Gravitation: The Key to Consciousness"

Author: Ronald D. Pearson B.Sc (Hons)

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- Part 3 -

The Theory in a Nutshell


          THE gravitational theory, from which a start was made, showed that the iether had to exist rather like a gas of primary particles, the "primaries". They are minute, each being less than 10-20 m in diameter. These are the only true particles in existence and behave according to just two fully established conservation laws: those of energy and momentum. No forces of any kind really exist, except those experienced during the collisions of primaries.

The same logic gives similar predictions are this "sub-quantum" level of reality whether based on Special Relativity, Quantum theory or on Revised Newtonian mechanics. It is hoped this feature will defuse objections, which have so far limited publication.

The gravitational theory threw up a most important feature: only half of all primaries are built from a positive kind of energy. The other half have to be made from a negative kind so that the whole exists in dynamic balance. Without the negative component forces of attraction, like gravitation, cannot be modelled without the violation of the law of conservation of momentum.

Before physicists complain that negative energy states were first proposed by Paul Dirac in the 30's and have since been discarded, it is necessary to justify their re-introduction. All objections raised depended on sub-atomic particles, like electrons, being composed entirely of negative energy. In the new formulation none of these exist in anything but dominantly positive states. "Dominantly" because everything exists as a composite of both with an asymmetry causing only a positive excess to be in control of motion: all objections are therefore made quite irrelevant!

The concept of energy is best understood be considering mechanical work. For the positive kind an object, being the product of that force and the distance moved. An object made from the negative kind would react by accelerating backwards - in a direction opposed to that of the applied force. The mechanical work done must then be negative because the force is applied opposing the direction of motion. The negative kinetic energy gained, however, adds to the negative rest energy, which the object originally comprised, and so the total negative energy increases as the object speeds up. It therefore forms a perfect symmetry with the energy gain of positive matter accelerated to the same speed. Indeed the symmetry is so perfect it is impossible to say whether our bodies are positive or negative. Hence negative energy, or mass, which are one and the same, looks just like the positive kind. We will follow convention and assume our universe is made from dominantly positive energy since it makes no difference to the end result.

It is only when opposites interact that curious effects appear, as will be shown.

A mixture of both kinds could mutually annihilate. For example, 10 positive units added to 10 negative units would yield zero: +10 -10 = 0. Pure creation, however, is represented by the converse case: 0 = +10 -10. Either way the law of conservation of energy is satisfied, with the net energy remaining zero. Some other condition, however, must apply for control: to specify which case is applicable in given circumstances. This is provided by the additional need to conserve momentum at collision of primaries.

Momentum, denoted by p, is defined as mass, m, multiplied by velocity, v, i.e.: p = mv. Experience of collisions between objects of like energies have shown that the sum total of momenta, measured in any arbitrary direction, ai always the same after any collision as it was at the start. This is what is meant by the term, "conservation of momentum". It follows that the same law needs to apply to the collisions of opposites.

For a positive mass its momentum, represented by an arrow, points in the same direction as the motion. For a negative mass, however, the arrow points backwards! It follows that collision responses between opposites will be very different from those we experience every day.

Let us examine what will happen if a pair of primaries make a head-on collision. Because the negative one has its arrow pointing backwards but its moving in the opposite direction to it partner, both momentum arrows point in the same direction, as illustrated in FIG.1A. They add up. The primaries will be moving at speeds close to that of light and in this condition their energies are directly proportional of their momenta. Since no momentum can be lost the primaries must pass through each other, both retaining their original energy: neither can suffer any energy loss by the collision.

If collisions are not head on, as in B, the same "forward" momenta and energies needs to be conserved. Now, however, a sideways scatter is induced, with extra sideways momentum imparted to each in such manner that they mutually cancel, as shown in FIG.1C. It follows that both have a sideways component of velocity imparted in the same direction as shown at D, contrary to what would be expected from, say, the collision of a pair of billiard balls. The important results, however, is that the corresponding energy gains add to those which pre-existed. Hence the collision of opposites generally results in each primary gaining energy of its own kind in amounts such that the gains, per colliding pair, sum to zero. Repeated collisions will result in growth to a limiting size after which break-up will occur. The result is that primaries breed like opposite sexes, feeding only from the void!

A detailed study, allowing for collisions from all directions and with probabilities of collision proportional to relative velocity, threw up an average gain ration of 1.18 as shown in the author's book (13). This represents an unimaginably high rate of energy creation, represented by the calculated figure of 1075W/m3. This means that if a power unit is assumed equal to the entire to the entire heat and light radiated by our Sun, then millions of Sun's equivalent is being created at every instant in every cubic millimetre of space!

This is almost cancelled, however, by continuous annihilation going on everywhere at the same time so that little net creation can be observed. Just enough remains to account for expansion of the universe. This is because application of the same momentum conservation law shows, that when multiple collisions occur, conditions favouring mutual annihilation appear. Flow cells will develop as all primaries are pushed by the creation going on behind them so that they converge from all directions at common centres as illustrated in FIG.2A. Here momenta cancel, so permitting energies to mutually squeeze each other out of existence. The cylindrical packing of such cells is favoured over spherical packing owing to the asymmetries caused by the cusp-shaped "voids" between cylinders, being smaller than for packed spheres.

Because annihilation takes time a compacted mass remains around each centre consisting of energies in the process of mutual annihilation: primaries are arriving at the outside as fast as they are being removed inside. Consequently filaments of annihilation develop which criss-cross in a random packing order, as shown in FIG.2B. They each form tee-junctions at either end with other filaments.

Junctions can be either open or closed. So by-stable elements have appeared which can act like computer switches - or better still, like the synaptic junctions between the neurones of the human brain!

This grid-like structure would, however, be quite "dead" unless an asymmetry of rest energy existed between opposite primaries. Positives need to have more than negatives. Then to restore balance, negatives need to have the greater kinetic energy. As a result there will be a slight dominance of negative pressure, exactly as required for producing the gravitational force in the manner to be described! 

The asymmetry also enables open junctions to gain an energy imbalance by acting like the rectifiers of AC current for the surrounding energy creation zones. When the subsequently switched to closure, energies will flow and trigger the switching of other junctions. In this way waves of switching action can develop spontaneously, mirroring such effects as alpha waves in our brains.

Indeed, this is all the complex is capable of doing; the production of switching waves: making etheric vibrations. Such a neural-type network will, however, posses the potential to develop memory and learning capability, just like the experimental versions now being explored by scientists such as Hinton(6). Now the developing theory of "Chaos" shows that if a certain potential exists, then ultimately the laws of chance will cause it to develop. So ultimately a machine-like intelligence could evolve able to manipulate its spontaneous wave-action to constructive purpose.



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