Book: "Origin of Mind"

Author: Ronald D. Pearson B.Sc (Hons)

Availability: From Michael Roll

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- Chapter 2 -

Why Established Physics Denies the Paranormal


         It certainly does take this stance as the title illustration of FIG.1 states. Adrian Berry is science correspondent of the Daily Telegraph keen establishment supporter, who, in his article of November and a 5th 1990 started off with the words:

"Few subjects more infuriate scientists, physical scientists in particular, than claims of "paranormal" events, such as spoon bending, levitation and communication with the dead.

They are resented because, if confirmed, the whole fabric of science would be threatened." He then goes on to say, "Sceptical committees have been set up to investigate such events and they almost invariably conclude that the claim in question is a fake."

A more recent claim was made by Peter Atkins in an article in New Scientist dated 8/8/92. His article uses the concepts of established physics to prove spirit cannot exist. He refers to, "The truth of the absence of soul and the ultimate insignificance of all human activity."

So why are they all so negative on such aspects when so many sensitive people just know they are wrong9 My research has come up with an answer. It is because the Ether has been discredited. And why was it discredited? Because it is incompatible with the accepted theories of relativity. Einstein's assumptions mean that no relative "Ether wind" could ever be found, even when making a measurement from a space ship travelling close to the speed of light. Hence no Ether could exist and without it there can be no paranormal. His basic assumptions, moreover, had strong support from the experiments carried out by the two physicists, Michelson and Motley, who tried to find the speed of the Earth through the Ether by trying to measure the Ether wind. In 1887 they obtained a zero result no matter how hard they tried even though they went up high mountains and, so they thought, were completely exhaustive in their efforts.

Then Einstein extended Special relativity to produce his theory of gravitation called "General Relativity" based on the curious idea of "curved space-time". From it he solved a problem which had been puzzling astronomers for some time. This was the so-called ORIGIN OF MIND) "anomalous precession of' the perihelion of the planet Mercury". This was as a small error which arose when the old Newtonian theory was checked against astronomical observations. Then the theory predicted that starlight which passed close to the Sun would be deflected by twice the amount Newton's gravitational theory predicted. In 1919 Sir Arthur Eddington, a famous astronomer and a keen Einstein fan. sailed to the island of Principle off Spanish Guinea to take advantage of a total eclipse of the Sun by the moon. Then the stars close to the Sun were visible and could be photographed and compared with night-time plates. His result gave further strong support for General Relativity. So Einstein's theories were soon to be regarded as the bedrock of advanced physics and so displaced those of Newton. Previous common-sense ways of reasoning, in consequence, came to be regarded as obsolete.

The relativity theories for which Einstein is so famous deal with the large scale, like the gravitationally controlled motions of planets going round the Sun and for very high speeds up to that of light. Quantum theory, on the other hand, deals with the very small scale; the motions of tiny parts of atoms called "sub-atomic particles". All theoreticians studying "Cosmology" and others attempting to match relativity theory with quantum theory all admit, however, to the frustration of being unable to match up these two pillars of 20th century achievement.

Professor Stephen Hawking, for example, states on page 12 in his best seller, that the two are known to be incompatible so one must be wrong. However, he makes it clear that they all regard Einstein's theories as basically correct and so are trying to re-write quantum theory in umpteen higher curved dimensions to bend it into the way of thinking Einstein adopted. Further confirmation will be found from Davies, Penrose & Will.

Nobody, however, seems to have heeded the warning which Einstein himself bravely uttered (as quoted in FIG.4 - keep lower statement covered). For on his seventieth birthday he is reported to have said:

"Now you are thinking that I am looking at my life's work with calm satisfaction. But on closer look it is quite different. There is not a single concept of which I am convinced that it will stand firm and I am not sure if I was on the right track after all."

New Theory

Light propagates relative to local space and space acts as a compressible fluid.

Information is not now prohibited from travelling faster than light.

Not exactly the firm vote of confidence on which to found the bedrock of physics! The author's book Morley "INTELLIGENCE BEHIND THE UNIVERSE!", published in 1990, contains a satisfactory theory of quantum-gravitation based on two extensions to Newton's laws. It gives the same predictions as Einstein's theory called "General Relativity". It matches most of those of Special Relativity as well except for one important matter. The Michelson and Morley experiment was an embarrassment which did not fit in readily with the rest - as freely admitted in Chapter TS2.

This difficulty resolved itself, however, in a spectacular way. An astrophysicist friend, Sam Nicholls, sent an article published in a rninor journal in 1986 which was written by a physicist called Silvertooth(26). He showed that the old Michelson-Morley apparatus contained a basic flaw. Then he used a more sophisticated design and came up with a value of 378 kilometres per second for the speed of the Earth through the Ether! Later I attended a scientific conference which took place in St. Petersburg in September 1991 in order to present my new theory of gravitation. There I met a physicist called Marinov(13) who had, quite independently, carried out a similar determination but using a totally different method. His value was 325 km/s which is not so very different. Indeed both values could be correct because the speed will vary 30 km/s throughout the year as the Earth orbits the Sun. These speeds are huge! It would only take 17 minutes to reach the moon at such a speed.

Hence these experiments support each other and discredit the earlier experiments of Michelson and Morley. The difficulties admitted in the Technical Supplement of the first book vanish but, what is of even greater significance, the entire credibility of Einstein's theories of relativity both Special and General, have now been totally undermined!

Unfortunately the establishment response has been to close their eyes to any alternative to relativity or any criticism of that theory, and assessors do not permit the new experimental results to he published in major scientific journals. Sam Nicholls also sent papers written by DR. Louis Essen DSc FRS,(5 & 6) famous for his invention of the atomic clock. He published several papers between 1964 and 1968 showing that Einstein's theories contained so many contradictions as to render them totally unacceptable. Then a final newsflash stated that he had been told that the tenure of his post would be placed in jeopardy if he published further critiques of Einstein's work. I thought criticism was welcomed!

Then at the 1991 Russian conference all except one delegate complained that it was impossible to publish anything of this kind or alternative theories. One astronomer of Pulkovo Observatory, Svetlana Tolchel'nikova, even showed that some astronomers were resorting to interchanging + and - signs in derivations of Einstein's equations to make them fit radar measurements of distances to the planet Venus! When she corrected the "errors" the good agreement vanished like the morning mist! The clear implication was that nobody had a hope of getting anything published unless it gave strong support to Einstein's theories.

On 31st October 1991 I presented the new theory of gravitation in a lecture to the 'Students Physics Society" of Cambridge University. None had heard of the experiments of either Silvertooth or Marinov and all were astonished at the new implications. They laughed when I mentioned Marinov -they had heard of him! He had chained himself to some railings. They did not appreciate the sheer frustration which drove him to do this.

It is therefore essential for the advancement of physics, the acceptance of spiritual realities and the promotion of activities like Radionics, that as many people as possible communicate the kind of knowledge which I am presenting. We need to talk especially to school physics teachers, physicists, mathematicians and engineers.

My request is that alternatives, such as given in this lecture, should be communicated if only so they can be criticised. With criticism stifled, physics can be diverted into a blind alley to remain trapped indefinitely -unless the West is prepared to allow Russia to spearhead scientific advance. I have just received an invitation to present a paper for the next conference to take place in March 1993 at St Petersburg and whose title is:

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIR ISAAC NEWTON (In Honour of Sir Isaac Newton's 350th Anniversary, March 1993) Stephen Hawking holds the Lucasian Chair Newton once occupied, yet we have to go to Russia to celebrate the anniversary of our famous genius!

We will make a fresh start by going right back to the time of Galileo.



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