Book: "Raymond or Life and Death"

Author: Sir Oliver Lodge FRS

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- (Part 2) Chapter 10 - Supernormal Portion -

Record Continued


          MIGHT make many more extracts from this sitting of 22 October, of which a short extract has just been quoted, because, though not specially evidential, they have instructive and so to speak common-sense, features, but it is impossible to include everything. I will therefore omit most of it, but quote a little, not because it is evidential, but because what is said may be instructive to inquirers.

From OJL and MFAL Sitting with Mrs. Leonard, 22 October 1915

He wants to gather evidence and give something clearly. He seems to think that his brother had been coming here (looking about).

OJL.-Your brother will come to see you to-morrow. [He was not coming to Mrs. Leonard.]

Where is he? He got the impression that he had either been here or should be here now; he has got the thought of him. He has been trying to get into touch with him himself; he has been trying to speak to him. Seems to have something to do with Mrs. Kathie,(1) and he has tried to write to him. The trouble is, that he can't always see distinctly. He feels in the air, but can't see always distinctly. (To M. F. A. L.) When you are sitting at the table he sees you, and can see what you have got on. When he tries to come to you, he can only sense you; but at the table he can see you.

OJL.-Has he seen his brothers at a table? No, not at the table. He sensed them, and he thought they were trying to speak to him; but didn't feel as if he was going to get near. It has something to do with a medium. Medium.

[Meaning that they were trying to do without a medium.]

(1) Mrs. Kennedy's name is Katherine, and Feda usually speaks of her as Mrs. Kathie.

M. F. A. L.-When did he see me?

When a medium is present he sees you quite distinctly. He saw you, not here, but at another place. Oh, it was in London, another place in London, some time ago. He was surprised to see you, and wondered how he could. [Presumably the occasion intended was when Mrs. Kennedy, who herself has power, was present as well as Peters.] He can only think the things he wants to say.(1) [Then reverting to his brothers' attempts at Mariemont.]

(1) This corresponds with an early statement made by "Myers" through Mrs. Thompson. See Proceedings, S.P.R., vol. XXiii. P. 221.

Tell them to go on. I shall never get tired. Never! Tell them to have patience. It is more interesting to me than to them." He does not seem sure if he got anything through. It is so peculiar. Even here, he is not always quite certain that he has said what he wanted to say, except sometimes when it is clear and you jump at it. Sometimes then he feels, "I've got that home, anyway!" He has got to feel his way. They must go easy with him not ask too much allat once. If they have plenty of patience, in a while he will be able to come and talk as if he were there.

M. F. A. L.-Do you mean with the voice?

No, with the table.

More important than talking is, to get things through with his own people, and to give absolute evidence. He doesn't want them to bother him with test questions till he feels at home. It doesn't matter here, where there is a medium, but the conditions there are not yet good. Tell them to take for granted that it is he, and later on he will be able to talk to them and say all he wishes to say. The boys are so eager to get tests. When grandpapa comes, it is to relieve him a little, while he is not there. He doesn't himself want to speak.

Twice a week, he says.

He is bringing a girl with him now-a young girl, growing up in the spirit world. She belongs to Raymond: long golden hair, pretty tall, slight, brings a lily in her hand. There is another spirit too who passed out very young-a boy; you wouldn't know him as he is now; he looks about the same age as Raymond, but very spiritual in appearance; he brings a W with him; he doesn't know much of the earth plane, nor the lily either; he passed over too young. They are both with Raymond now. They look spiritual and young. Spirit people look young if they passed on young. Raymond is in the middle between them. He says this is not very scientific. [All this is appropriate to a deceased brother and sister; the brother older, the sister younger.]

Raymond really is happy now. He doesn't say this to make you feel satisfied. He is really happy now. He says this is most interesting, and is going to be fifty times more interesting than on the earth plane. There is such a big field to work in. Father and he are going to do such a lot together. He says, "I am going to help for all I am worth." (To M. F. A. L.) If you are happy, I will be happier too. You used to sigh; it had an awful effect on him, but he is getting lighter with you. Father has been wonderful. He is often with Paulie, and has been to see Mrs.Kathie too.

[Meaning Mrs. Katherine Kennedy. Feda, of course, is speaking throughout.]

M. F. A. L.-Which way does he find the easiest to come?

He is able to get to you by impression, and not only by writing. He thinks he can make you hear. He is trying to make you clairaudient. Let there be no misapprehension about that. He does it in order to help himself. He hopes to get something through.

OJL.-You might send the same thing through different channels.

Yes, he says. He need not say much, but is going to think it out. He can get Mrs. K. to write it out, and then get it through the table with them. He thinks he will be able to do a lot with you, Mrs. Kathie. You know that Paulie's here?

(K. K. spoke to Paul for a short time.)

OJL.-Do you think it had better be tried on the same evening, or on different evenings?

Try it on the same evening at first, and see what success is got; if only one word came through the same, he would be very pleased. He might get one word first, then two, then two or three. Tell them to reserve a little time for just that and give him some time specially for it, not mix it up with other things in the sittings.

K. K.-Shall I ask him to write some word?

He will think of some word-no matter if it is meaningless. What you have to do is, not to doubt, but take it down. One word might be much more valuable than a long oration. One word would do, no matter how silly it sounded; even if it is only a jumble, so long as it is the same jumble. He is jumping now. [Meaning, he is pleased with the idea.] He says he finds it difficult owing to the medium. He is not able to get through all he wants to say, but on the whole thinks he got it pretty straight to-night.

[The quickness with which the communicator jumped at the idea of a cross-correspondence was notable, because I do not think he had known anything about them. It sounded rather like the result of rapid Myersian instruction. I rather doubt if cross-correspondences of this kind can be got through Mrs. Kennedy, though she knows we are going to try for them. The boys are quite willing to take down any jumble, but she herself likes to understand what she gets, and automatically rejects gibberish. OJL. ]


On 13 October, through the kind arrangement of Mrs.Kennedy, we had an anonymous sitting with a medium new to us, a Mrs. Brittain, of Hanley, Staffordshire, in Mrs. Kennedy's house.

It was not very successful-the medium seemed tired and worried-but there were a few evidential points obtained, though little or nothing about the boy; in the waking stage, however, she said that some one was calling the name 'Raymond.'

At an interview next day with Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Brittain said that a boy named 'Pat' had come with Paul to see her on the evening after the sitting (see p. 148 for the significance of 'Pat') ; and she described it in writing to Mrs. Kennedy thus -

14 October 1915

"I was just resting, thinking over the events of the day, and worrying just a little about my ordeal of next Monday, when I became conscious of the presence of such a dear soldier boy. He said, 'I am Pat, and oh, I did want to speak to my mother.' Then I saw with him your dear boy [Paul] ; he asked me to tell you about Pat, and to give the message to his father that he would get proof without seeking it."



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